Saturday, June 6, 2009

Joe's Pitiful Existance

Joe, looks like you left a few names out of this accusation of everyone behind the ethics complaint. For once can it be one person who is concerned and does it on their own? The Wizard cannot understand why everything must be a conspiracy and you have to include Mike Dunn, because he is behind everything in the city. Think about this, if Mike Dunn really wanted to, he could have used his super human powers and not allowed Jim Ireton to become mayor.

If Mike Dunn wanted to shut your blog down, all he would have to do is snap his fingers. He tolerates what you do because he enjoys seeing you make an ass out of yourself everyday of your miserable life. Hour after hour wondering what is Mike Dunn doing, spending all the precious time you could be spending with your family worrying about the great conspiracies of Salisbury concocted from the mind of Mike Dunn.

Whatever Joe. We enjoy the fact of all the time you waste in your miserable life on your blog. Although it is focused on running down our city, it is enjoyable knowing how little of a life you have. As the rest of enjoy our lives and live them to the fullest, contradicting you is only a small fraction of our time. We certainly don't obsess over you like you do John Robinson, The Great Green One, and all the others you attack.

Keep up the wasteful life Joe, we appreciate what it has made you. Or what Debbie has made you.

1 comment:

  1. There is much agreement with this school of thought Mr. Wizard. Has there been any investigation into Mr. Albero's perversions. He certainly is concerned about allowing comments and insinuation of other people.
