Thursday, December 31, 2009

The 3 Best Happenings of 2009

#1 Joe Albero getting banned from ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in front of Walmart & Sam's Club.

#2 Sam I Am joining the Whoville Family and taking over Delmarva Views.

#3 SPD Arresting their #2 Most wanted criminal Leonard Pompililus.

Pervert Profile -John Michael Churchfield, SR


Temporary Residence :NA
Employment Address :17TH ST OCEAN CITY MD 21842
School Address :NA
Charge:RAPE 2ND DEGREE (3-304)
Category:Child Sexual Offenders
Information Contact:SORU
Date of Birth:11/11/1954
Current Registration Date:08/05/2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The One Who Cannot Be Named On A Blog

The One Who Cannot Be Named On A Blog or TOWCBNOAB, is failing in her attempts at taking down the Great Green One. Certainly those who closely advise her must understand the can of worms they are potentially opening if this is successful. The Great and Mighty Joe Albero could take a fast fall from grace, again.

The Wonderful Wizard would have to magically create extra hands and feet to count the numerous upstanding citizens that would gladly take five minutes to fill out a Complaint at the Commissioner's Office, say they feel threatened, Joe Albero is stalking them, and that they fear for their safety and that of their family.

However, the case against the Great Green One is weak. There is no evidence, no testimony from witnesses, just a sad, miserable TOWCBNOAB, who doesn't want anyone talking about her. Yet, when you make public statements, get quoted in newspapers, write letters to the editor, attend public meetings, you are putting yourself out there and open to criticism from people who disagree with you and opine on your opinions.

That is the Wizard's Opinion on the BS that TOWCBNOAB has put out there.

LONG LIVE THE GRINCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is Good for the is Good for the Gander.....

The Wizard has learned from a source deep inside Camden that Debbie Campbell has has been quite upset that information has been going to a certain blog. The Wizard has learned from another source that Debbie Campbell has been harassing Greg Bassett from the Daily Times all weekend.

There were several meetings this week and the past two between Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen, or as they were called in an article back in the spring - Debbie Cohen, that finalized the letters of complaint. Debbie outright lied about not knowing that Terry had submitted something.

Jim saying he is not getting involved in the matter, is well, representative of his tenure as Mayor to this point. He is not involved in anything except throwing out a few pitches, holding a press conference, and that is about it. Jim is completely clueless about his job. Now that the citizens has seen what "Change" is, I assume they will want a refund.

Everything he complained about when he was campaigning Jim has realized he really can't fix anything. His baseless complaints about sewage spilling into the Wicomico, made him look like an idiot once he finally got educated on the WWTP.

The Wizard has learned through confidential sources that Debbie and Terry have plans to make Pam Oland their next target. We know they do not like having women smarter than they are, so she is a target. Understand the Wizard and Grinch will not stand for this. The systematic political assassination attempts will fail because all your information is either erroneous, misinformed, or made up stories. I would bet they are made up stories.

We will bust up these lies with truth. Keep up the lies and vendettas, it could get you recalled.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Debbie & Terry Picking the wrong Fight

The Wizard assures everyone Debbie "Snack Cakes" Campbell and Terry "Flaming Liberal" Cohen are making the biggest mistake of their political career. Debbie Campbell who had the Salisbury Police Department working as her own personal taxi service for her children thinks she has the right to try to get rid of Chief Webster.

Terry Cohen, who does not recite the Lord's Prayer at Council Meetings, will cost the city more money with this non-sense. On top of her Health Insurance.

Debbie thinks she is entitled as Salisbury's Sunshine. We all know she is the Dark Witch of Camden. Her morals tell us that. Every child she has is from a different man. Where is the illustrious Outraged Richard! Come, save us from this madness. Our moral white night who is in love with Katherine Amenta, remove these to Witches of Camden from our midst.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chris Lewis for Congress?

Rumor has it Chris Lewis, owner of 111 Deli on the Downtown Plaza, will run for congress. Earlier we had reported he was considering a run for an At-Large Seat on the Wicomico County Council. Obviously he has his sights set higher.

The questions is what will he run as? Andy Harris is in full campaign mode for the Republican nomination. The Libertarians have already nominated Dr. Richard Davis again according to Muir Boda's Libertarian Blog. No other Party can run candidates without getting a bunch of signatures. Will he run as an independent? That makes it even harder. Is he counting on the support the Tea Party crowd?

If he doesn't get the signatures, then he will have to do the write-in campaign. In that category he will have to deal with Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Homer Simpson and other political powerhouses.

In Response to Joe & the Moon.

Obviously when you fail to get past the sixth grade there are certain things that you miss. In the 7th grade they tackle "Gravity" in a little more detail than Newton discovering it. You see, the moon has gravity which is why it holds together as Earth's satellite.

In the 8th and 9th grades we cover the following: The moons gravitational force is strong enough to keep the the earth from pulling it into the Earth. It also has enough force to affect the water that covers the Earth.

So, when the astronauts stepped on the moon and the dust settled, the moon's gravity pulled the dust down to the surface.

The vehicles used to drive around the moon were not used in the first landing. They were taken up at later date.

Obviously Mr. Albero needs to study up on some history. He is quacked enough to believe 9-11 never happened and was all produced by Hollywood. The Wonderful Wizard of Waverly Plaza saw the Pentagon the day after and the plane that was sticking out of that building. So do you deny 9-11 as well? Do you also deny the Holocaust Joe and do you think Hitler was on to something? Seems to be up your alley with the way you think.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Breaking News: Steve McNair Found Dead.

Nashville, TN: Former Ravens Quarterback Steve McNair found shot dead in his Nashville condominium along with an unidentified woman in what appears to be a double homicide. Very sad news.

"We are saddened and shocked to hear the news of Steve McNair's passing today," Tennessee Titans owner K.S. "Bud" Adams, Jr. said in a statement. "He was one of the finest players to play for our organization and one of the most beloved players by our fans. He played with unquestioned heart and leadership and led us to places that we had never reached, including our only Super Bowl. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family as they deal with his untimely passing."

McNair started his career with the Houston Oilers and stayed with that team when they became the Tennessee Titans. He finished his career in Baltimore.

More details to come.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cigar Smoke and Mold Exposure Has Truly Caused Joe Albero To Be Deranged

Salisbury, MD: The Cigar smoke combined with mold from the run down 300 West Main St has formed an unknown viral infection Joe Albero's brain. It is recommended he be isolated and especially not be around children. As bathing has not been a part of his daily routine this has increased his toxicity.

Joe's ridiculous rants and accusations are clear symptoms of a an unknown medical condition. CDC officials are concerned about any and all flatulence coming from Albero. The combination of mold exposure and cheap cigars creates an incredibly toxic situation. This is the main reason parents want to make sure their children are nowhere near this walking toxin.

Local officials are looking at quaratining him in the Albero Bird Santcuary in Pittsville, MD. However, many Pittsville residents do not him in their town. One resident said, "He is Delmar, Delaware's problem. They should not even allow him in the State of Maryland. He is such a disgrace to humans."

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court has received information from the highest levels in the Maryland government that they are looking at deploying the National Guard in response to this situation. Once captured, they will turn him over to the CDC, where as we understand it, he will become a human laboratory rat. In his case - Donkey.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Good Deed Yes, But Apply It To Your Life

Does saving a kitten make up for all the stupidity Albero unleashes on the Lower Shore? I think not. He is all about telling us of his great deeds. Mighty Joe has save a kitten, look how cute it is.

Unfortunately Joe it is what you do with the rest of your life and how you treat people that really counts. Your actions of ridiculing and destroying people are going to be your downfall. Why do you think the rest of the MSM think you are a joke?

Here is the truth Albero, you do not know how to investigate a story. You do not know how to fit a story in the grand scheme of things. You do understand how to decipher evidence. Your insistence that everything is a part of a grand conspiracy, is well laughable. You are so gullible and weak minded to allow certain individuals use you for their own political purposes, yet trust me, they will drop you at the moment you become expendable. Like Andy Harris did to you.

So apply this good deed to how you treat people. Blogging people and exposing what you think is right, is well not how you gain influence. Getting stuck on little things and making them out to be huge problems and personal attacks, ie. Blognetnews, is why people think you are joke. take the advice ole GA gave you, he at least has little more sense than you do.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

This Day In History......World's First ATM Installed in Enfield, London (1967)

World's First ATM Installed in Enfield, London (1967) – An ATM, or automated teller machine, is a device used by bank customers to process account transactions, such as cash withdrawals, deposits, and fund transfers, and to review account statements and balances.

Is Kratovil Destroying His Hopes for Re-Election?

With one hand Kratovil fights for the farmers and the ordinary folks. With the other hand he stabs them in the back and and twists the knife.

This so called "Environmental Bill" is nothing more than a sweetheart deal for some of the Companies that benefited from the Bailout Scheme. The scam of Green Credits and the companies that are vying to control is where an untold amount of will greedily be transacted. This Green Credit business is the hoax of the century.

The other part of this deal is going to drive manufacturing and production down so low, most will go over seas where countries do not have these bogus restrictions. In the end it will cost real jobs. Unemployment will rise. The cost of energy will sky rocket. The cost of doing business in America will not be worth the dollar that is printed or the Green Credit that is issued.

District 1 Representative Frank Kratovil has cast his most unwise vote to date. To say we are disappointed in Mr. Kratovil, is saying it lightly. He certainly needs to come back and face the farmers and those businesses that are still in the manufacturing business. He not only has made it more difficult for them to produce, he has created one more complicated thing for them to figure out in operating their businesses. Another layer of red tape he is a part of creating.

Mr. Kratovil is showing us he does not hold to Eastern Shore values. That we will remember next November.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Kratovil Introduces Legislation.... Rare for a Rookie

Daily Times Article about Frank Kratovil shows Democrats are working him in to a leadership position by having him introduce a bill to help out Dealers that got the shaft in GM & Chrysler's bailout bankruptcy scheme.

Just does not make sense that you have to pass legislation to fix legislation. I guess the dealerships will be filling up Kratovils coffers for re-election.

Thank You City Council for the HAZMAT Truck

We wish to thank the City Council, the majority, for approving the HAZMAT Truck. This will ease the minds of many knowing we have top quality equipment, not something ready for the junk yard.

With the amount of fuel and chemicals that pass through Salisbury on a daily basis, whether by water, rail, or road we have a real need for this. Identifying needs like this is why we need good leaders in management positions. There job is to make tough decisions and execute them.

Requesting the Health Dept. Test 300 W. Main St for Mold

We are requesting that the Health Department along with Neighborhood Services to please inspect 300 W. Main Street for the toxic levels of mold and cigar fumes. If the building needs to be knocked down, Delmarva Views will handle the bid process and decide which company gets the bid.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Any Mold pores Around You Joe?

Just checking in again Joe to see if any mold spores are bothering you. Not sure who you would sue for that now, I am sure it is somebody else's fault. If you plan on getting anything like fixed, I have talked to several businesses that do that kind of work, they certainly do not want to do business with you.

Combination of Cheap Cigars and Mold Are Dangerous

The CDC has issued a report that the combination of Cheap Cigars and Mold Spores can cause psychotic and compulsive behavior. These individuals usually spread lies and cyber-bully people. They can be borderline Cyber Terrorists. These may spill over into real life.

The real concern is when they become obsessed with Crap, literally. Especially places that handle large quantities of it, they cannot get enough. They like to stir it, bathe in it and encourage others to join in and vote for it.

Just Checking in Joe....

Is the mold bothering you today? I am sure PRMC would see you right away and give you the best care available.

In Defense of Paul Wilber

Paul Wilbur, our City Solicitor, has saved Salisbury thousands if not millions of dollars over the years. For an ill informed individual such as Dot Truitt to get and accuse him of the things she did two weeks ago, is absolutely ridiculous. She apparently read word for word what Debbie had written down for her on note cards.

Dot Truitt forgot to mention that Debbie placed the City of Salisbury in a difficult position when she testified against the city last year. Potentially costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and lawsuits for her Unconstitutional position on 4-2, where the discriminatory law gives the government the authority to say who can live in house and who cannot.

I wonder how much Debbie and Terry have cost us in legal fees by requesting unnecessary things from Mr. Wilbur. Not including the enormous amount of requests for documents they have demanded. The incredible amount of time that is spent honoring all their requests over the years is staggering. The environmental impact is ridiculous as reams and reams of paper and ink are expensed honoring their requests.

Can we continue to afford these two councilwomen. Or shall we begin to talk recall?

If You Have Not Visited The Grinch Today....

Go read up now! Salisbury Grinch is on the war path.

New Line of FUJA Products Coming Your Way....

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court has learned that a new line of FUJA products will be hitting the stores just in time for Back to School. The following products will be available in t-shirts, mugs, lingerie, and posters:

"Mike Dunn for President"
"Silver Beach, VA - Our Weeds Are For Smokin' "
"Send Me Anyone Not Named Debbie"
"Michael Swartz is the Dark Knight"
"Don't Like The Revenue Cap? Then Let Me Hold $5,000."
"Albero Prefers to Tea Bag Then A Party"

More to come....

Albero Bird Sanctuary

Pittsville, MD: The Ablero Bird Sanctuary will be open to the public in September. Just in time for the first field trips, kids can get a first hand look at what a bad business deal really is. They will also get an up close experience with the wildlife.

Owner Joe Albero was not available for comment, but we hear he is excited to show the kids what happens when you don't finish school. As education is a key to one's future, a lack of education is a key to ending up like Mr. Albero. Nothing more than a cyber-thug, who beats women, trespasses, perjures himself and stalks people.

It is something for everyone. Rumor also has it that Nathan's Hot Dogs will be on site for the kids to enjoy.

Joe vs. BNN - Just the Beginning!

Hopefully Joe will stop whining about Blognetnews. When there seems to be no enemies at the gate, Mr. Albero has to make one up. Obviously everyone is tired of the conspiracy theories yet Joe continues to cook them up.

Now Blognetnews Maryland is of course in the wrong because Joe is not #1. He is not the most influential blog in the state. Finally, people are standing up to Joe and realizing he is what he is, a cry baby. If he is confronted and treated the way he deserves to be treated, put in his place society will be as it should be on Delmarva, peaceful.

When low life rif-raf is cut loose on a city by people whose family lineage and socio-economic status is all pretense and they get elected above their station, we have a problem. When those that attempt to run our government and are not even self sustaining, needing government subsidies in healthcare for them and their families, we have a problem.

Mr. Albero's social class is what it is and is attempt to rise above his station socially is about to come crashing down, hard. What is coming, is a political force so sound and so strong, that the pretenders that are in office now will regret they ever stepped foot inthe GOB. Their systematic attempt to oust Paul Wilber, Pam Oland, and Chief Webster are going to backfire because the true established power in Salisbury is about to begin fighting back, hard.

This is a warning, a prophetic telling of what is about to transpire in the coming months and years. The taking back of our city, from those of us with roots that date back to the founding of our great city, has begun. We will end this tyranny of stupidity and incompetence mascarading as "due diligence" and "endless whining."

Albero believes that what is transpiring in the blogosphere is a conspiracy to hurt his blog and shame him. Joe it is. It is only the beginning. All the mean-spirited hit jobs, lies, cyber-bullying, is about to come twenty-fold. The little bit of celebrity that encircles Salisbury News is about to collapse, piece by piece.

This is a fortelling, the Wonderful Wizard has looked into the Crystal Ball and seen your future.

Mold Symptoms?

Checking in with all this rain, we certainly do not want any mold situations. Hopefully 300 W. Main Street is not damaged in any way. I know there were some windows exposed, we hope theu have been fixed.

Fine For Whining

Listening to the Tag Team Whining of Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen is tortuous on ones ears. They would have our emergency sevices continue using shoddy, broke-down, used equipment for cleaning up hazardous spills. The Wizard is astonished at the audacity of these two "duly elected public officials."

Over the years they have suggested we purchase used police cars, used fire trucks, and used equipment. The Wizard has received inside information on their next suggestions for saving money.

  • Any Fire Hoses will be replaced with garden hoses from Home Depot.
  • Future purchases of firearms for Police will be reduced to BB Guns.
  • Rubber Bullets for all Police firearms will replace real bullets in future purchases.
  • To increase revenue we will also sell all bulletproof vests.
  • Autographed photos of Debbie lying on Silver Beach, VA will be available for sale on the city website.
There are several other items that we will in depth cover later this week.

Joe, Is The Mold Bothering You?

Check out THIS ARTICLE over on the Grinch as Joe's litigious past catches up to him. Seems like Joe earned his money the old fashioned way - sue. Joe is always ranting and raving about Mr. Grinch receiving disability for an accident he was in. Yet when Joey uses that excuse to sue, I guess it is morally justifiable from his point of view

Next time you see Joe or feel the need to comment on his site ask him if the mold is bothering him.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Joe Begging People to Go to His Blog

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court channeled PAC-14 through the grand crystal ball and laughed with hysteria as Joe Albero asked people, begged people to go to his blog and make sure they read the comments. Certainly the posts are not worth reading, so why not give the comments a shot.

However, are we now going to call The City Council meetings "Joe Albero Hour" at taxpayers expense? Should we not charge Joe a fee when advertises his blog?

After speaking with the Grinch I learned Joe actually behaved himself and sat in his seat like a good little Hot Dawg Boy. Obviously the meeting with City Council President Louise Smith had a positive effect on his behaviour. Now if we can get him to take his Ritilan, The Wizard believes his behaviour would improve even more.

The next issue would be to install an electrical shock collar on Joe and we would allow City Council Vice-President Gary Comegys to control. He would be instructed to zap him every time Joe advertised his blog or verbally attacked City Council members. If Gary is not present then City Clerk Brenda Colegrove would have control of the zapper.

Why the Wizard Does Not Attend City Council Meetings.

The simple reason is Joe Albero. The stench is too much to bear. Being in the same room with someone whose idiocy level is off the chart is too much for me to bear. The Grinch attends and always gets worthwhile video of stupidity.

Actually, the video of Joe would qualify for the Stupid Videos website.

The Wizard generally enjoys the meeting from the Wizard's Chambers with a bottle of the finest and most expensive malt liquor one can find. The Cubans that the Wizard lights up are of the finest quality and truly complement any malt liquor while providing a wonderful aroma.

Unfortunately Joe's cigars are of the poorest and stinkiest quality. Machine wrapped and made from inferior material. The problem is the stench entrenches his clothes, hair, and everything else. Hopefully Joe will do a favor to the City of Salisbury and not cross the Mason Dixon Line.

Nearing 15,000 Posts.....

Obviously Joe has nobody to currently hound, so he must talk about how great he is. Announcing he is approaching 15,000 posts, or 15,000 pieces of caca. Not sure who really cares how many posts Joe puts up, certainly the Wizard could not care less.

I wonder how many of those posts have been personal attacks and lies. Probably most. I doubt there has never been a greater collection of B.S. and lies than Salisbury News.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Is Joe Albero a Playa'

Is Joe a Major Playa' downtown? Or his just another mouthpiece with a hot dog, dawg?

The best thing for everyone is if Joe stayed in Delmar. He does not do Salisbury a service by claiming he is an interested party.

Rumor has it, he is part of the reason Salisbury did not win the All American City Award. Actually, the truth is he is the reason.

Classic video from the Grinch

Great to see the Grinch is posting his videos on Youtube

Phase 4 of the Urban Salisbury Downtown Revitalization

Salisbury, MD: The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court has learned that a local businessman is signing on to open the first Official FUJA DOG HOUSE on the downtown plaza. This will definitely kick off the the plaza in the right direction once the streetscape plan is finished. An anti-cyber bullying Hot Dog house featuring 18" Hot Dog meals 3 cents less than Sam's Club will certainly cause our own HotDog boy to figure out ways to buy them without being detected.

Leadership from Urban Salisbury has been mum on the plan. However, the Wizard has received it on good authority that this deal is 90% done. It is believed that Grinchaholics and those under the Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court's spell will bring the much needed traffic to the Plaza.

The FUJA DOG HOUSE will carry a complete line of FUJA products ranging from mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts, lingere, hats, decals, and many other licensed FUJA products.

The FUJA DOG HOUSE has been unanimously approved by the Salisbury Shadow Government.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Wizard is Glad for the Weekend

It is has been a long week. Mostly enjoying HotDog Boy Albero making
a fool of himself.

The Wizard does wish everyone a Wonderful weekend. If you must
partake of Adult Beverages please do so responsibly.

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court.

The Identity of Granny Dragon is.....

None other than Dot Truitt. The kool-aid oozes from her bone marrow.

After extensive research, IP checks, interviews with different individuals, we have surmised that Dot Truitt is Granny Dragon.

The Foolishness of Albero

Hotdog Joe was at it again yesterday... back pedaling, finger pointing, covering his pimply bum. Then the great Ghanima was at it again, calling out everybody in the Salisbury Shadow Government.

Simply put, Joe is not a reporter or official news source. TV 47 has used Salisbury News for tips that have been found dead wrong many times over. The Daily Times and WBOC ignore him as responsible journalist should. Joe's site is nothing more than a very badly run Op-Ed page.

Joe does not take the time to verify his "Articles" or research his facts. Instead of making a few calls, Joe simply posts it to get a scoop. It was also very satisfying to see he got scooped by one of his enemies the Daily Times when they published the headline of Andy Harris working part-time at PRMC. We thought Joe was the official blogger of the Harris campaign.

What Harris has realized is that Albero is a parasite. He certainly did not help Harris and they certainly are not as close as many thought. As several have stated to the Wizard, "Joe is a useful idiot." Don't know about the useful part.

Also more in a little while on Granny Dragon at 1:01pm.

Who is Granny Dragon?

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court has received credible information on the identity of Granny Dragon from Salisbury News. We will divulge the information this afternoon at 1:01 pm.

Honoring American Paving

The Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court would like to take a moment and thank the hard working men and women of American Paving for the wonderful job they been doing. They are local company that employ local people. They do get many contracts with the SHA and City of Salisbury because they do good work and they are very dependable.

Currently they have been working on 13 South Business and the exit ramp on the bypass.

We Salute these Great Americans!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fall Election Issue Again In Yesterday's Daily Times, Again

The Daily Times Editorial page put this forth yesterday:
Over the past couple of decades, Salisbury's municipal elections have been moved from the fall, when primary and general elections are traditionally held, to spring, then to fall and finally back to spring, where they remain. All was done in an effort to increase voter turnout in city elections. Anemic turnout indicates or results in a lack of civic engagement on the part of city residents, which can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and lack of any sense of ownership in community affairs, establishments, institutions and life.

The theory behind the springtime election date is that divorcing municipal campaigns and voting from the sometimes more-compelling state and national elections might encourage residents to focus on local issues and candidates instead of addressing them as an afterthought, especially in presidential election years. There was also the opinion that spring weather is less likely to deter people from the polls than sometimes chilly or otherwise unpleasant late fall forecasts. Read The Rest.

Now A Recap

Over On Two Sentz Blog Melanie was a little a perturbed that she had raised this issue at public comment during a City Council meeting and then all of sudden Muir Boda imitated her with his Letter to the Editor. Here is what happened last week.

Joe Albero puts up on his blog Muir Boda's entire Letter to the Editor that he copied from the DailyTimes, probably without permisssion. Then Bobby Taylor, Debbie Campbell hound dog, jumps on the bandwagon during public comment at last weeks City Council meeting. The Daily Times followed up his Letter to the Editor with an article in last Tuesday's paper, it is stated in the article that it was referencing his letter.

Mr. Boda then expanded his opinion on the Eastern Shore of Maryland Libertarian Party's blog, with this post.

Then the Daily Times Editorial page stated their position in yesterday's paper, part of what is above.

We are not playing ping-pong between the blogs and the DT to confuse you. Our point is we don't understand why these people are not willing to get together on the issues they agree upon and work for solutions together. They all obviously have similar ideas yet different agendas from different political groups in Salisbury which is the problem.

Obviously there is enough pressure from the various groups to push this issue forward. With the Daily Times behind the issue and keeping it out there, it should be on the agenda soon.

Denounce The Blogs

Last Monday Evening we all watched on Pac-14 as orator, self proclaimed investigative reporter, and blogger Joe Albero graced us with his wisdom and a question to all Salisbury City Council Members.

"Do you denounce the blogs?"

Now, we have not seen any public comment from any Council Member. It would be interesting to see if any of the Council Members actually respond. It would be interesting to how Councilwoman Debbie Campbell would respond to her very close friend, confident, and individual she give confidential documents in an irresponsible manner.

Will City Council President Louise Smith respond? Will City Council Vice-President Gary Comegys respond? I am sure he would have a few things to say. Will Councilwoman Shields respond? Will Councilwoman Cohen refer to Joe as a nasty blogger again?

However, which blogs is Joe referring to? There millions of blogs that cover politics, religions, sports, entertainment, and thousands of other topics. If you can think about it, you can blog it. So which ones do you denounce? Just the ones you don't like.

Joe really needs to get a grip on things. A questions like that serves no good purpose or make any sense. Why do you think it is so important for the City Council to waste on whether they denounce the blogs?

No word on whether the Council has covered this important and pressing matter. Or if they will.

Joe Attacks BNN, Offers No Solution

Joe Albero attacked blognetnews yesterday, not happy with how fast they update. He put G.A. Harrison on the case who is looking into to the speed that BNN updates it's feeds.

The Wizard does not totally disagree with with Joe, I just do not agree with his methods. Why call them useless and worthless? Why not work with G.A. and BNN behind the scenes and fix it? Why does he have to denigrate anyone and everyone? Why does he have to expose every single problem in the owrld no matter how big or small? You certainly do not make friends that way, only plenty of enemies. Which he has.

Anyone can point out problems and what is wrong with the world. Finding a solution and convincing people that a course of action is necessary, is something that Joe is unable to accomplish. He knows how to attack people. He is a professional at slandering people. He knows how to chow down on a Hot Dog at Sam's.

Everyday Is A Record Day In The Making For Joe

It seems like Albero always feels the need to inform us it is a record day in the making. Comments are out the wazoo. We are on record pace.

Whatever. Like anyone really cares.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Invasion of Privacy

Now Wizard was unable to attend the Good Chief's wedding this weekend due to prior engagement. We do congratulate the Chief and his new bride and wish them both the best in their new life together. They are wonderful people.

That is the problem with Joe, he can not stand the fact that good people have wonderful lives and can live in happiness. Threatening to embarrass people because they wish to celebrate the good times in their lives is why so many people despise you Joe. Photo Joe running around in the shadows trying to get the shot, shows me you are nothing more than a paparazzi Joey. They are the scum of the earth, lying in wait like a cockroach hoping somebody will pick their nose or scratch themselves.

Get over your self importance Joe.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Deputy Avnet Needs to be Suspended

Deputy Avnet is a liability to to the taxpayers of Wicomico County. Totaling a police cruiser and causing other people's property to be destroyed at the expense of taxpayers is unacceptable. In these tough econominc times we can no longer afford high risk employees. He needs to be suspended and investigated to determine if we the taxpayers should sever his employment from the Sheriff's Office.

He should begin looking for another line of work.

Watch the Headlines Joe

The headline is intentionally using "Webster" to put something in our minds about another person named Webster. This is the first time Joe has ever used someone's name in a Headline that was arrested for this crap.

This is an specific swipe at Chief Webster. Next time an Albero is arrested for Kiddie Porn or Rape, we will say "Albero Arrested for Raping a Child" or "Joe Arrested for Child Porn".

How you word things and in the manner that you do it is very important. I guess he didn't want to steal the headline from the article he stole.

The Only Crap We Smell is You Joe

The only crap we smell is you Joe. Now any mention of Joe's family is off limits according to Hotdog boy. Yet he can attack Greg Bassett and make a remark that his wife does not care what he is doing.

As much time you spend blogging Joe and away from your precious family and the quality time that I am sure is being missed, I noticed Home Depot and my employer Lowes that all the Shower Heads are missing. I'll have to call the good Doc and ask him to investigate and maybe revive our favorite Showerhead Website.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Oh Snap... Missed Rick Pollitt On PAC-14

Rick Pollitt was on One-on-One with the Great Phil Tilghman last night. We here at Delmarva Views like Phil Tilghman and his show. He certainly ranks in greatness with Mike Dunn, Marvin Long, Jim Rapp, and Tony Sarbanes. Give John Cannon and Bill McCain a couple of more years and they have the potential to reach that level of greatness.

Back to Rick Pollitt. I assume a conversation with Pollitt will most certainly need some cheese as it will probably drift in the direction of everything that is wrong with the Revenue Cap. Again Rick, the Revenue Cap is there to keep the government under control. It is doing everything we wanted it to do and we will fight to keep it there.

Even Big Cities Have Storm Overflow Problems

A man was arrested at Coney Island for a sewage swim. Interesting that New Yorkers have the same problem we do with their Waste Water Treatment Plant overflowing after big storms.

Here is the Article Link.

After Bloviating At the Council Meeting..

I had anticipated Mr. Albero to fume, whine, and use the mighty power of his blog to fight the wrong done to him. To express his marvelous ideas as a successful business man and entrepreneur for the betterment of Downtown Salisbury. To offer his thoughtful advice on the ills of society and show us the light for the fretful path we embark on...... Alas, we are presented with Groundhog Day......

.......and the same old crap. Just another different day but the same stench at the Albero ranch and blog. He must be hooked on the Whoville Chat and that has caused the decline of creativity.

My one year ago today.... my upcoming classifieds will knock your socks off..... stand up for your right to have public notices on my mighty blog. It is I Joe Albero, defender of the Royal Line of Lady Campbell's virtue, the destroyer of Talking Shower Heads, the Slayer of Nathan's Hotdogs, Scoper and Sniffer of Celebrities I have made, The Breaker of the Iron Maiden Tilghman, Arch Enemy of Boss Hogg, Grand Pubah of Southern Delaware, and yes the Mighty All Powerful King of the Bloggers, Joseph Albero.....


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Boring Day

The Wizard has been taking it easy today. A Sabbath from the battle with Joe Boy.

Monday, June 8, 2009

File This Under Who Cares....

Canadians angered over "Buy American" rule

By Allan Dowd

WHISTLER, British Columbia (Reuters) - Canadian municipal leaders threatened to retaliate against the "Buy America" movement in the United States on Saturday, warning trade restrictions will hurt both countries' economies.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities endorsed a controversial proposal to support communities that refuse to buy products from countries that put trade restrictions on products and services from Canada. Read More of this Crap if You want....

So other countries are upset when we promote to buy our own stuff. If want Canadian Bacon I get it, however now I may prefer good ole Eastern Shore Rappa Scrapple (Rappa is too close to Rapp, as in Jim Rapp, so I assume Joe prefers Holloway Scrapple, as in Joe Holloway). Our point is who cares what the Federation of Canadian Municipalities says or does. There is not enough Canadians that buy our stuff worry about symbolism.

Comments That Get Rejected

We rarely post comments on Delmarva Views for the reason that Bob the Aristocrat maintained a high level of expectation of those wished to respond to an post. We consistently reject about 100 comments a day because they do not reach the standard set forth by Bob the Aristocrat.

What is expected is this:

  • Clarity in Thought
  • Reasonable Expression of Opposition
  • No Vulgarity or Crude Language
  • No Personal Threats
  • Proper Spelling and Respect for the English Language
Most of the idiotic comments we receive fall into the Vulgar, Crude, and Threatening category from the Kool-Aid crowd. Several we have traced to Camden Neighborhood and one individual uses a Verizon Wireless card consistently. A couple others we have traced to Mardela, Delmar, and other places in the County.

We keep a list of IP Addresses and so that those people know, they have been forwarded to the proper individuals at the State and National Level in law enforcement.

A Friend of Debbie is a Friend of Jim

Elizabeth Bellavance is a close personal friend of Debbie Campbell. Will she receive as much scrutiny as Marvin Long did when he was nominated and approved to the PAC-14 board, despite Debbie's opposition and Nay vote.

Certainly Ms. Bellavance has an impressive resume, but she is no Marvin Long.

Jim Promised Change... It Is Here

.... in the for of "Change" Orders. Now that Jim is Mayor will Debbie and Terry question the Changeorders that come across the Council table. These are some pretty hefty sums when Totaled Up, $132,000.00 worth.

Yes, change is here and how much more can we afford if he keeps this up. Remember Jim, it all falls on you because you are Mayor. Are Debbie & Terry going to question these changes or sit back let it slide by.

City Too Spend $56,610.00 To Clean up Joe's BS

The City of Salisbury has an agenda item for Joe Albero. They must spend $56,610.00 to cleanup the residue from all of Joe Albero's crap. Another reason why we don't need you here Joe, we are tired of your crap, now we have to spend money to clean it up.

Great Editorial About Downtown in Daily Times

Here is an editorial in today's Daily Times. We completely agree with Mr. Morris.

What downtown Salisbury needs is people

By Edward J. Morris • June 8, 2009

The front page of Tuesdays The Daily Times showed a cyclist on the plaza; what I saw was an empty Downtown Plaza -- the same empty plaza I have known for more than 20 years. My reaction? It doesn't matter how many parking spaces or kiosks are gained or whether the traffic pattern is reversed. What matters is people -- lots of them. The picture in the paper reminded me of a ghost town. We need people shoulder-to-shoulder, moving and grooving, to make the plaza a happening place.

If enough people use the plaza for work each day, as they did 40 years ago, restaurants and retail stores will have enough traffic to support themselves. What I really miss about the old downtown is the community spirit it breathed into each of us. When was the last time you saw the Rotary Four-Way test painted on the floor of the mall?

Read More At The Daily Times Website

Edward J. Morris lives in Salisbury.

(Unlike other bloggers from Delmar, DE, we honor the Daily Times' request and post a portion of the article or editorial and provide the link as the DT request.)

Salisbury City Council to Decide on the Main Street Plan

Urban Salisbury's downtown plan aided

Council to support Main Street project

By Laura D'Alessandro • Staff Writer • June 8, 2009

SALISBURY -- The City Council plans to officially show its support of Urban Salisbury's Main Street Masterplan during a council meeting tonight.

The downtown development organization made a presentation to the council during a work session last week and asked the city file a letter of intent and application to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development seeking grant funding to begin the project. Urban Salisbury is seeking a $260,500 grant.

Council members gave the group a nod during last week's work session, but will vote to send the letter as an agenda item tonight.

In other business, the council plans to discuss a request for permit-only parking on Washington Street, as the result of a neighborhood petition. Joyce Parker, a Washington Street resident, and 10 of her neighbors have made the request to the city due to the "amount of traffic generated by the commercial uses located across the street," according to a letter. READ MORE AT THE DT

If you go

WHAT. City Council meeting

WHEN. 6 p.m. today

WHERE. Government Office Building, 125 N. Division St., Room 301

CALL. 410-548-3100

Update on Bob the Aristocrat

Many thanks to those of you who wished a speedy recovery to Bob. He is responding well to treatment and spending some quality time with his family.

Now to those of you who wished him otherwise, your ignorance is typical of those whose educational experience has not yet earned you any form of diploma or recognition of accomplishment. The Wizard sends you the same wishes you gave Bob.

Governator Now A Flat Taxonator

L.A. Times Article says the Governator to consider Flat Tax for California. Call in Mike Huckabee!

Schwarzenegger suggests state consider flat tax

12:56 PM | June 5, 2009

Could the flat tax come to California?

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said today that he would like to see such “radical” proposals come out of a commission now studying an overhaul of the state’s tax system. The governor told the editorial board of the Sacramento Bee that he hoped the commission would not be afraid to propose something like “a 15% straight tax.”

“That’s the kind of radical, daring kind of a proposal that I want to see on the table so we can look at it and say, ‘Oh, let’s study this, maybe that is the way to go,’ ” Schwarzenegger said during the discussion, which was webcast. Read More at the LA Times

Joe -- Poet Laruete?

Recently Joe Boy has been cranking out some classic literature. Obviously Joe did not write this, just curious who he stole it from. Anybody want to claim it?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Shorebirds Blog

Delmarva Shorebirds have a blog up HERE.

Delmarva Views Exclusive!!!!

The Wizard has interviewed several individuals discreetly this week and has learned that 111 Deli Owner on the Downtown Plaza Chris Lewis is going to run for County Council against Stevie Prettyman. As many would guess, the Wizard is of the opinion and yes, we will paraphrase the Great Mike Dunn, "send us anyone not name Stevie!"

A business owner and brave soul for investing his time an money in a business on the downtown plaza, we respect that and wish him good luck.

Stevie Prettyman, who offered Debbie Campbell an apprenticeship to become a witch, needs to be gone from the County Council. Fresh blood is needed in local politics for some real progress on the issues that face us. Hopefully Mr. Lewis will fit that role nicely.

I stopped in last week for a sandwich and soda. Good food.

Sorry Joe Boy, you did not get this exclusive.

File This Under Who Cares....

Not sure who really cares about "somebody being famous" at Salisbury Sam's Club. However, you are a news agency and would know if they qualified as a celebrity. Not sure who watches that show and there are a million Reality Shows and we here from Whoville and Delmarva quote the great John Robinson, "Who Cares?"

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ethics Commission Calls for Benefits to be Reviewed and Codified

The Ethics Commission has ruled that Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell did not violate the ethics clause of the Municipal Code. However, the ethics commission opined that a compensation review committee be appointed to review all benefits given to the Council and Mayor. As well, the benefits for Council and Mayor need to clearly stated in the Charter and Municipal Code.

This was the ultimate goal of the Great Green One's complaint. Now it is in the hands of the Mayor who must tackle this issue in a timely manner. We will see that the pressure remains for something to get done.

Joe's Pitiful Existance

Joe, looks like you left a few names out of this accusation of everyone behind the ethics complaint. For once can it be one person who is concerned and does it on their own? The Wizard cannot understand why everything must be a conspiracy and you have to include Mike Dunn, because he is behind everything in the city. Think about this, if Mike Dunn really wanted to, he could have used his super human powers and not allowed Jim Ireton to become mayor.

If Mike Dunn wanted to shut your blog down, all he would have to do is snap his fingers. He tolerates what you do because he enjoys seeing you make an ass out of yourself everyday of your miserable life. Hour after hour wondering what is Mike Dunn doing, spending all the precious time you could be spending with your family worrying about the great conspiracies of Salisbury concocted from the mind of Mike Dunn.

Whatever Joe. We enjoy the fact of all the time you waste in your miserable life on your blog. Although it is focused on running down our city, it is enjoyable knowing how little of a life you have. As the rest of enjoy our lives and live them to the fullest, contradicting you is only a small fraction of our time. We certainly don't obsess over you like you do John Robinson, The Great Green One, and all the others you attack.

Keep up the wasteful life Joe, we appreciate what it has made you. Or what Debbie has made you.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Welcome Back Cuff -n- Stuff

Off the Cuff is back and we could not be happier. We all understand the importance of family and our obligation to them when we are needed.

Cuff -n-Stuff we are looking forward to more posts from you and welcome back to the front line.

(See Joe it is not all about you and your obsession with shutting down every blog that is not affiliated with you. Some people actually have important things to take care of and your idiocy will always be there if we have to take some time off from combating it.)

Mighty Joe and the Great Conspiracies

Mighty Joe Albero is still putting forth his conspiracy theory agenda and now Lynn Cathcart, according to him, is the inside point person. Not sure why Joe thinks a certain group of citizens are controlling the government but his paranoia is legendary.

The Group, Salisbury Shadow Government or SSG, is a very powerful group. Who the members are is a secret and you do not have the proper security clearance or the need to know Joe. The agenda of the SSG is to keep the city on the right track and not to get sidetracked on an extreme and what could be pointless agenda.

Mr. Albero's whimiscal tirades and endless accusations are very distracting. The problem with Mr. Albero and his blog is they never offer solutions or answers to issues. Which is why his blog is fast becoming irrelevant.

Breaking News!!!! Salisbury News Has A Virus!!!!!

Salisbury News has a virus and it is called BS-1. Mr. Albero is so full of it that it could spread and affect your mind. Be wary!

Thank You to the Cathcarts!

Thank you Don & Lynn Cathcart for your service to our community. Don we all appreciate the example you have set by encouraging and coaching our youth. Lynn your continued public service has been a great contribution to our community and we look forward to your future service.

Photo of Mayor Jim Ireton Revealed

We found this photo Mayor Jim Ireton trying to make a decision on how to deal with crime in Salisbury. Well this has been his general poster at Council Meetings when trying to make a decision or figure out what the heck is going on.

A Pointless Jab at Jim Rapp

For no good reason Mr. Albero has tossed a jab at Jim Rapp. Under the guise of three years ago, two years ago, Joe drags up people whose reputations he has tried to destroy. The Wizard assumes it is to remind us what "Mighty Joe Young" can do and the awesome power he yields.

Honor the Harris' is good and fine, do that , because they are good people. It is just ridiculous to use them to run down someone else.

Jim Rapp is a good man. He worked very hard as Director of the Zoo and many people appreciate all that he done and continues to do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Racial Insinuation on Joe's Site

Why is it every time Joe discusses a shooting in Salisbury he use a picture of an African American male pointing a gun at the camera or is it you? I understand it is dramatic and catches your attention. Yet this gives the impression that all shootings are by African Americans. The racial undertone is very questionable.

Today a shooting occurred in Salisbury, I guess Joe and Chief Webster were in disagreement over Joe posting stuff about the shooting. On this the Wizard agrees with Chief Webster and any information that should be made public should come from the police department. If Joe receives information that is pertinent to the investigation, it does not necessarily do the public good to know every detail and it may not be accurate. The other issue is that doing this could compromise an investigation as well it could tamper the jury pool.

There is much responsibility when it come to journalism and news reporting. Being untrained is this field can cause so much damage especially when reporting on legal matters and specifically criminal matters before they are fully investigated or prosecuted.

Michael Swartz Post On Healthcare

Here is the link to Micahel Swartz's post on healthcare. As always Michael put thing into perspective.

Also a big congratulations to Michael for being featured on Red County.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Shaking Things Up

The Great Green One has been shaking things up this week as Health Benefits for elected officials became the front and center issue. He put forth his argument and the Ethics Commission will render an opinion to determine if the two Councilwomen wrongly advocated for their benefits.

The argument that Mayor Tilghman had no authority to remove it from the budget falls short. Since the Salary Review Committee said that City Council Members are considered Part-Time, the compensation of $10,000 per year is satisfactory. $7,500 per year of Health Insurance was not offered as a part of the compensation and it not even in the Municipal Code as a part of the compensation package for elected officials. With that perspective Mayor Tilghman was within her authority to exclude it from the budget just like she excluded the annual stipend for the Curator of Poplar Hill Mansion.

Thanks to the Grinch for putting this issue front and centerfor the public to see.

Bob the Aristocrat Taking Some Time Off

Due to Health Reasons Bob will be taking some time off, hence the Wizard has come over to run Delmarva Views. Get well Bob.

Joe Going After Gary Again

Joe is at it again attacking City Council Vice President Gary Comegys and his standing in the Maryland Municipal League.

Joe really needs to understand that these people know what you are Joe, a controlled attack dog, who does nothing but work at destroying people's reputation. I say to people, contact these people and tell them what a great guy Gary is and he is a very dedicated representative of the people.

Scott Hancock – Executive Director –
Karen Bohlen – Asst. Exec. Director –

Tel: 800-492-7121
Address: 1212 West Street, Annapolis, MD 21401

As We Speak....

As we speak the Ethics Commission is reviewing the Grinches' Complaint. Hopefully they will recommend that changes be made one way or the other by modifying the Compensation of Elected officials -- officially.

The Future of Local Politics

Certainly 2010 and 2011 will be interesting when it comes to local politics. Who runs and who wins. Who supports whom will be interesting as well. There are many questions surrounding the upcoming election season.

  • What will Mike Dunn decide to do?
  • Will Barrie run for County Council or a State seat?
  • Will Muir Boda run for County Council or wait for 2011 and run for City Council again?
  • Will Stevie Prettyman get re-elecetd?
  • Will John Cannon challenge Rick Pollitt?
  • Will Charles Jannace take another shot at the top County spot?
  • Will GA Harrison put or shut up and run for County Council?
  • Is Mike Lewis still electable, if not who will challenge him?
  • Can the revenue cap get repealed or are County Voters smart enough to not fall for fear mongering?
  • Is Brad Gillis a likely candidate for City Council or will his father make a return to Salisbury Politics?
  • Is Bryan Brushmiller electable or will the Republican Party not support him after his breakdown and quick drop out from the 2009 City Council race?
  • Can a schizophrenic blogger from Delmar have any impact on the County election with his so called millions of visitors?
Many more questions and names will of course come up and the pot is definitely going to get stirred up.

The New Library - Looking to the Future

Forward looking individuals is what we need in leadership now. The proposal from the Friends of the Library are people just like that, those that look to the future. Swapping the parking lot on the corner of 13 & 50 with the existing Library Building is good deal for the city. It is a perfect solution for building a much needed new library.

The current Library is located in the old Armory building. It has been retrofitted and remodeled however they have out grown this building. The main concern for a Library is the consideration of the weight of all the books and care in setting the standards for construction are paramount. Building a modern Library from the ground up is the best solution.

As we look to create an environment in the Downtown Corridor, a new state of the art Library will continue to draw thousands of people to the Salisbury. Input from the citizens and business community is necessary in this process and we encourage everyone to get involved in the process.

Here is the link to yesterday's Daily Time's Article

The Wizard Explains A Few Things

Since certain individuals, elected and blogging, continue "raising concerns of citizens" on the surplus vehicle issue, the Wizard has decided to weigh in on this issue that should not be.

First, vehicles used for municipalities and especially emergency vehicles ie., police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, etc. are often run very hard for short distances and rarely see highway usage. These vehicles, much like when people use a car to just "run errands around town" often have shorter life spans. Short trips, idling, consistent driving under 40 mph, is much harder on a vehicle than one that sees a decent amount of highway mileage.

The same would be said of vehicles used by various departments in a municipality, such as Public Works or Neighborhood Services. An understanding about situations like these is needed before wasting valuable time nit-picking the issue. You can dig and dig looking for the needle in the haystack and you never realize there was never a needle there to in the first place.

The time and energy wasted, when you were given the information in the first place, then you ask for details and it is a big conspiracy because no details were given in the first place. Then you go on radio shows and hold press conferences and rail against the conspiracy. However, you can never let go of the fact that there is no conspiracy.

How will you react when the current Mayor has no more information? The same?

Biden says some waste inevitable part of stimulus

Reuters reports:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Vice President Joe Biden acknowledged on Tuesday that some waste is inevitable in the spending of a $787 billion economic stimulus package, in a characteristically blunt assessment.

"We know some of this money is going to be wasted," Biden said during a roundtable discussion in New York with business leaders aimed at promoting the two-year stimulus plan.

The package was approved by the Democratic-led Congress in February over the objections of most Republicans, who were concerned about the potential for wasteful spending and because it will add billions of dollars to U.S. deficit spending.

Read More

(Reporting by Pedro Nicolaci da Costa; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)

How about for once we try to have no pork in legislation. Maybe I am just dreaming.

SSG Wednesday Press Release

Salisbury, MD: The Salisbury Shadow Government has appointed Salisbury Chief of Police Alan Webster to a lifetime appointment. His appointment comes with some as controversy as Joe Albero opposes the appointment and has appealed to Mayor Jim Ireton to step in. Wishing to avoid a similar situation that occurred in 1999, Mayor Ireton has decided to not get involved with appointments and decisions from the SSG.

The Salisbury Shadow Government is a group of powerful individuals who monitor and guide the Government of the City of Salisbury. It is comprised of elected officials (County & City) former elected officials, local business owners, and several qualified concerned citizens. The SSG occasionally steps into correct erroneous legislation passed by the County Government but has not needed to since 2006.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WICOMICO: Budget sails to passage today

Trimming the budget to what was available is the right thing to do. Continually whining and crying about the revenue cap is not going to change the fact that you cannot spend money you don't have.

Here is the Daily Times article that will provide more details on Wednesday.
SALISBURY — The Wicomico County Council today adopted a $124.6 million budget for next year that avoids employee furloughs, but defers payments to employee retirement funds.

There were a lot of things on the table that a year ago, I’d never had thought we’d support,” County Executive Richard M. Pollitt Jr. told council members after they unanimously voted in favor of the budget, with no discussion.

Starting July 1, the property tax rate will drop to about 76 cents per $100 of assessed property. This year’s rate fell by five-and-a-half cents, due to charter restrictions under the revenue cap.

See continuing coverage in Wednesday’s The Daily Times

Joe's Numbers for May

Joe Albero releases.. I mean makes up his numbers for May. Joe will not even open up his sitemeter to prove his numbers mainly because they don't exist. What a joke.

By the way Delmarva Views had 5,987,765 visitors in May. Isn't that amazing?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Links to City Council Agenda for June 1, Work Session

Here are the links to download the PDF Version of the City Council Agenda Packet for today's work session. In it are the presentation by Urban Salisbury and a 2 page recommendation concerning the Site acquisition for the Library.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jimmie Johnson Comes Back to Win at Dover

Jimmie Johnson passes Tony Stewart, the current Sprint Cup points leader, with 2 laps to go to win the Dover 400.

Send Joe the Hos!

Certainly SPD has a ton of things on their plate. I understand that. The frustration level for the Police is this: they will arrest these women and their Johns. They post bail and will be right back out where they are now. When they go to court some get put in jail other get off and they are right back where they are now. When those that get put in jail get out, they go back doing the same thing.

Most of these women struggle with substance abuse and this is the life they know. The big issue here is two things, balancing between putting them in jail and throwing away the key or getting them help for there issues.

Joe you are very good about pointing out the problem. Anybody can take pictures of your lady friends and post them on a blog with the Menu. Anyone can expose an issue. Have you ever thought about offering a solution? Have you ever thought about coming up with a plan to fix the court system? Or is it all about your personal vendetta with Chief Webster.

Get a life Joe.

Salisbury Shadow Government's FY10 Budget Press Release

Salisbury, MD:
The Salisbury Shadow Government approved the FY10 budget with several changes from the Salisbury City Council's final budget that was in conflict with the agenda of the SSG.

First, health insurance for elected officials was removed from the budget until the Ethics Commission can review and suggest the proper legislative action needed to resolve the matter one way or another.

Second, the funds for Urban Salisbury are being removed from the budget. The SSG will appoint a main street coordinator who will answer directly to the Chairman of the SSG. A plan will be immediately implemented to restore the downtown and bring in several nationally recognized businesses to foster growth.

Third, the $7,500.00 per year stipend for the Curator of Poplar Hill Mansion, Nancy Marasco, will be reinstated. The SSG disagrees that the budget is too tight for this item and it was grossly irresponsible on the part of the council to remove this item. It is vital to preserve the history of this great city.

These changes will be implemented immediately whether or not the Mayor signs it. The Mayor signing this legislation is mere formality as enough votes were present in the SSG to override the veto.

The Salisbury Shadow Government is composed of several key citizens in the City of Salisbury. They operate as a balance to keep the visible government officials in check and on target. The Chairman of the SSG is a well respected businessman that prefers to remain behind the scenes.

Thoughts on the Grinch's Article in the Daily Times

As the Great Green One stood up and did the right thing by requesting the Ethics Commission review recent actions by the Salisbury City Council during their budget process but the Wizard feels the new Mayor should be looked at in this process as well. When former Mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman submitted the FY2010 budget to the City Council, it then became the Council's Budget.

Terry Cohen is absolutely wrong in asserting that Mayor Tilghman needed council action in removing Health Insurance. The reason is simple, Health Insurance is not in the city charter or code as a part of the compensation for elected officials. It has never been recommended by the Salary Commission. It has never been added to the city charter or code. Therefore, Mayor Barrie Tilghman was well within her authority to remove it from the budget.

Debbie Campbell advocated in the budget session to have it placed back in the budget as did Terry Cohen. Thinking they found a loophole, they convinced Mayor Jim Ireton to make a "correction" to the budget, siting precedent by previous Salisbury Mayors. However, he did it while the Council had the budget, adding an item that the Council had not come to a consensus in a work session. Gary Comegys attempted to do it properly by putting forth an amendment to officially come to a consensus, then vote on the budget, with or without health insurance.

Doing it the way they did it has brought about all types of issue, namely was Mayor Ireton being ethical when he placed this item back in the budget? This is certainly not a good way to start off your first 100 days as Mayor.

News reports have erroneously reported that this was placed back in as an amendment. That is incorrect as there was no consensus by the City Council during the budget session. Fixing it is the key now and Council Members must take responsibility for their decisions.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wizard's Comment on the Grinches' Twitter

The Grinch posted this on Twitter:
"I received an anonymous comment from a person with the Name "imlucifer" that says and I quote "yes I do not want him here please keep him"
The Grinch

The Wizard has come to the conclusion that this is the actual reason for Purgatory. A place for souls that neither Heaven nor Hell will accept, such as Joe Albero's soul. His idiocy is even too much hell for well, Hell.

Delmarva Views Welcomes The Wizard

Delmarva Views welcomes the Wonderful Wizard of Monitor Court. His insightful views in Wicomico County politics will be a wonderful add.

Joe Albero - Pimpin' Ain't Easy

Times are tight and it's hard out there being a pimp. We understand that blogging does not pay well and sales must be down at your favorite hotel Joe but this is getting ridiculous by putting up the "Menu" prices.

Between his huge man crush on the Great Green One and John Robinson, Joe has been pushing his girls. You can hide behind the free speech mantra but this outright illegal Joe. You are not in Vegas.

Hopefully Chief Webster will have his boys look into Joe's connection to prostitution ring in Salisbury.

Joe Albero - Prostitute Expert

As one of the charter customers of Thrift Travel Inn and the accompanying Ghetto Gas Station nearby, Joe Albero is advertising again for the "Oldest Profession." Joe has clearly struggled with attracting advertisers from the "Big Boys" like he promised so long ago, that local pimps must be subsidizing Salisbury News.

Joe obviously has such keen insight into this industry and he truly feels the need to share. Keep up the good work Joe and I hope you find true love. Obviously you can not find that quality of a in the companionship offered by the crack whores in Delmar.

Most clicked Article today on BNN. Thank you. Sorry to all the ones who didn't get there comments posted.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Saturday's Daily Times Bound to be A Collectors Item

Download this front page PDF of the Daily Times. Bound to be a classic for the grandkids as the Grinch's request for an Ethics Commission Review of Tuesday's budget vote where Terry voted to keep the Health Insurance that Mayor Jimmy sneeked in at the last minute.

Uh-Oh going to get heated in Salisbury.

2010 Wicomico County Elections Around the Corner

Several prominent names have been floating around as rumors in the upcoming County Government Elections.

Whispers possible County Executive candidates to challenge Rick Pollitt are John Cannon, Mike Dunn, Barrie Tilghman, and Charles Jannace.

County Council members who may be in trouble and could face some serious challenges are Joe Holloway and Stevie Prettyman. Indications are David MacLeod will not seek reelection. Gail Bartkovich, Sheree Sample-Hughes, and Bill McCain all seem fairly safe bet to run for reelection without much trouble.

Joe Holloway seems to be in the most trouble as he could face a challenge from Libertarian Muir Boda. Now Mr. Boda has not indicated either way publicly if he would consider running for a county seat, he would be a natural selection to run. Certainly democrats will field a formidable opponent here in District 5.

Stevie Prettyman seems to be in trouble as well because of her ties to Debbie Campbell and Joe Albero. Also, her railroad attempt at PAC-14 is not sitting well with many. Possible challengers for her could be John Robinson, a Libertarian who it has been rumored considering a County Council run. The Republicans have a couple of good choices especially if Alan Gravenor decided to enter politics.

If David McLeod doesn't run, then District 4 becomes a wide open seat. Frank Himelright has given no indication whether he would reenter politics. Chuck Cook usually works behind the scenes but would be a good choice for the Democrats. He is young and has promising political future. Barrie Tilghman is in this district as well but has not publicly indicated any potential runs.

Gail Bartkovich would be a tough match and it would take someone experienced to go against her. Lynn Cathcart has the experience and would make it an interesting campaign. Charles Williams is another possibility.

Sheree Sample-Hughes seems to be lock in her district.

At-Large is always interesting. John Cannon will probably go after the big prize - County Executive. Bill McCain will likely get reelected and wind up County Council President (Sorry Stevie.) Rumors on At-Large Candidates could be Blair Rinnier, Barrie Tilghman, Zeke Collins, Brad Gillis, John Robinson, John McClellan, and a few others.

Election is coming quick and the politicking will begin in the next few months.

Joe Albero vs. John Robinson -- In A Steel Cage

Attack Mutt and professional stalker Joe Albero can not stay away from John Robinson. This man-crush is getting out of control and it is time Joe get the professional help he deserves. The therapy session I have in mind is Joe and John going toe-to-toe inside a a steel cage so John can proceed to give him the ass woopin' he never got as a child.

The other obvious issue is Joe has an obsession with people who are overweight. An individual's intelligence is rightly questioned when fat jokes and obsessive stalking are the only things you know how to do. Business owners and professionals are tired of constantly dealing with Joe's idiocy and lack decency in public debate.

Whether Joe ever proceeds to seek professional help or not, I believe an intervention is necessary in his case. Joe's consistent perjury and psychotic episodes are going to cause him to have an extended stay in Cambridge, MD at well equipped facility that can deal with his issues. I am sure businesses around Salisbury would gladly donate to this cause, especially if the key was lost to his room.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Republican Party Needs Some Cleaning Up

The Republican Party needs to do some cleaning up in Maryland. Andy Harris, Joe Albero, G.A. Harrison, and the rest of the losers in that group need to be gone. There are so many good Republicans out there that need to stand up and take charge.

The base needs to be stirred and awoken from the dead. We need someone other than Andy Harris running for Congress, he just a bumb.

Joe Albero's Social Class Revealed!

Joe Albero's social class has finally been revealed. He is what we refer to as "Middle Class, Lower Class White Trash."

Joe has no manners, he smells horrible, and inability to properly places words in a structural sentence indicate his social class. How he has stumbled his way though life is amazing. Salisbury certainly needs this idiot out of our city and not using our name!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Joey's Life of Living a Double Standard

So Joe threatens people for using "his" images. Yet it is perfectly fine for Joe to "borrow" images from other sites and not give credit. It is perfectly fine for Joe Albero to post professional images from people's weddings without the permission of the photographer. You did not even give the photographer credit Joe, how second class you are. You think the rule and law do not apply to you but you are so wrong.

You certainly exemplify the term "slower, Lower Delaware."

No Joe, No Debbie .....

What more could one ask for when watching the City Council Meetings on PAC-14? Gary offered an amendment and out of habit Terry Cohen voted "Nay", Louise voted nay, and if Debbie had been there she naturally would have voted nay. It would have eliminated health insurance from the budget. Though, Gary was doing for procedural purposes he and Shanie voted for health insurance. His amendment would have worked like a trap.

Debbie was absent because of the flu like symptoms or a Silver Beach hangover. Not sure which one. However, she is definitely living up to her reputation for attendance problems. Picking up right where she left off. I guess getting reelected gives her a pass unless it was a vacation day.

Every year she either misses the budget sessions or the meeting where they vote on the budget. Debbie still has not voted in favor of a budget since being elected 2005. That is five budgets as either "Nay" or not showing up to the meeting. Keep up the good work Debbie, would want you to change your reputation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another City Council Meeting ...

Will Joe Albero grace us again with presence and eloquence? Oh we are hoping that he will represent his half-breed bloodline well. As a half educated, cheap cigar smoking, donkey boy he always make a good warm up act for PJ Hannon.

Good times to be had by all as we laugh at this pathetic mutt and pony show. We just GA there with his gallon of Kool-Aid and long winded diatribes in tow. All on taxpayers dime.

Is it too much to ask to have one night without any public comment. One night. Probably not.

Mr. Famous one trick pony donkey blogger only knows how to do one thing. His blog is so boring with the same old conspiracy theories, same old accusations, and no new news. His pea brain just cannot expand to bring anything new. Only what little dribble Debbie gives him.

Not much will come from Jim if Joey keeps attacking Obama and Kratovil. Watch it Joe.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Joe Albero, Rabid Attack Mutt Gone Jack Ass

The Delmar Half-Breed (half jack ass half mutt) has been oh so busy today doing the only thing he knows how to do, attack people. He posted this attack on Barack Obama first thing.
This was at 8:40am. I am not a Obama fan and agree in principle with the sentiments. the point here is at least this time Joe actually gave the author credit. Attack 1. Next came this post:

So at 8:43am Joe attacks Frank Kratovil. We all know Joe is a big Andy Harris guy, mainly there political styles are the same, attack, lie, attack and call names. Then at 8:50 he starts in on a local business.

Ever since the parking lot dispute that was worked out, Joe has been all over Mr. Hanna. Debbie and Joe's comrades lined up the City Council meeting two weeks ago and ripped Hanna and Brew River.

Next, of course, it wouldn't be a day in the life of Joe if he didn't have something to say about John Robinson. That came at 9:03 am.

Typical Joe fashion. Teaching his grandson how to stalk, demonize and rip people apart. Way to represent Delmar, DE. So on to his next victim, Joe has to go after the Salisbury Fire Department. Since Sam's Club sells stuff for businesses and it would make sense if the SFD needed office supplies that they would go to Sam's Club. More likely they were saving the taxpayer's money by buying in bulk.

So now that we have properly attacked and made fun of the public servants in the Salisbury Fire Department, it's time to perform what has become Joe's life passion, his obsession with the Salisbury Grinch.

At 12:07 pm Joe puts this post filled with inaccuracies and lies. Joe claims that the Grinch lives in Section 8 housing for $35.00 a month - FALSE. He misquotes the Grinch from a post he made thanking the men and women on the Armed Forces for their service. Joe has a habit of misquoting people, he never seems to get it right even when it is print.

Like the Judge told you Joey ---- GET A LIFE!