Friday, June 19, 2009

The Foolishness of Albero

Hotdog Joe was at it again yesterday... back pedaling, finger pointing, covering his pimply bum. Then the great Ghanima was at it again, calling out everybody in the Salisbury Shadow Government.

Simply put, Joe is not a reporter or official news source. TV 47 has used Salisbury News for tips that have been found dead wrong many times over. The Daily Times and WBOC ignore him as responsible journalist should. Joe's site is nothing more than a very badly run Op-Ed page.

Joe does not take the time to verify his "Articles" or research his facts. Instead of making a few calls, Joe simply posts it to get a scoop. It was also very satisfying to see he got scooped by one of his enemies the Daily Times when they published the headline of Andy Harris working part-time at PRMC. We thought Joe was the official blogger of the Harris campaign.

What Harris has realized is that Albero is a parasite. He certainly did not help Harris and they certainly are not as close as many thought. As several have stated to the Wizard, "Joe is a useful idiot." Don't know about the useful part.

Also more in a little while on Granny Dragon at 1:01pm.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the DT scoop him. What a bum.
