Elizabeth Bellavance is a close personal friend of Debbie Campbell. Will she receive as much scrutiny as Marvin Long did when he was nominated and approved to the PAC-14 board, despite Debbie's opposition and Nay vote.
Certainly Ms. Bellavance has an impressive resume, but she is no Marvin Long.
"You Can Keep Your Existing Health Insurance"
I wondered about this statement at the time Obama made it. Clearly, by
changing all the rules of health care insurance and mandating conformity,
it was un...
My NFL Week 12 Picks
Thursday Nov 22 Houston @ Detroit - Houston Washington @ Dallas -
Washington New England @ NY Jets - New England Sunday Nov 25 Minnesota @
Chicago - Minnes...
A New Life on The Left Coast
Yes it's been a while... a long while.
I have a different life now. A life that is completely opposite of what I
have lived for the last 23 years. It took ...
Joe never learns
Joe posts an old rumor of the 11 year old girl killing 2 illegal aliens in
Montana but I guess he forgot he posted it once before. Got to keep those
post n...
scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.