Monday, June 8, 2009

Comments That Get Rejected

We rarely post comments on Delmarva Views for the reason that Bob the Aristocrat maintained a high level of expectation of those wished to respond to an post. We consistently reject about 100 comments a day because they do not reach the standard set forth by Bob the Aristocrat.

What is expected is this:

  • Clarity in Thought
  • Reasonable Expression of Opposition
  • No Vulgarity or Crude Language
  • No Personal Threats
  • Proper Spelling and Respect for the English Language
Most of the idiotic comments we receive fall into the Vulgar, Crude, and Threatening category from the Kool-Aid crowd. Several we have traced to Camden Neighborhood and one individual uses a Verizon Wireless card consistently. A couple others we have traced to Mardela, Delmar, and other places in the County.

We keep a list of IP Addresses and so that those people know, they have been forwarded to the proper individuals at the State and National Level in law enforcement.


  1. I guess that means Joe Albero's comments will get rejected, just in principle.

  2. I've seen several abuses of the English language right here. Too, to, two, learn the proper use.
