Saturday, September 12, 2009

The One Who Cannot Be Named On A Blog

The One Who Cannot Be Named On A Blog or TOWCBNOAB, is failing in her attempts at taking down the Great Green One. Certainly those who closely advise her must understand the can of worms they are potentially opening if this is successful. The Great and Mighty Joe Albero could take a fast fall from grace, again.

The Wonderful Wizard would have to magically create extra hands and feet to count the numerous upstanding citizens that would gladly take five minutes to fill out a Complaint at the Commissioner's Office, say they feel threatened, Joe Albero is stalking them, and that they fear for their safety and that of their family.

However, the case against the Great Green One is weak. There is no evidence, no testimony from witnesses, just a sad, miserable TOWCBNOAB, who doesn't want anyone talking about her. Yet, when you make public statements, get quoted in newspapers, write letters to the editor, attend public meetings, you are putting yourself out there and open to criticism from people who disagree with you and opine on your opinions.

That is the Wizard's Opinion on the BS that TOWCBNOAB has put out there.

LONG LIVE THE GRINCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will be one of the citizens that take the time to fill out a Complaint with the Commissioner's Office explaining how I was threatened by Albero. I will also take along the copies of his threats that have beens saved for just an occasion as this. Grinch has done nothing that Joey has done worse.
