Friday, May 22, 2009

How Does It Feel To Get Blogged Joe?

The fact is, Joe Albero is so paranoid and frankly he is not worth blogging about. So many people are worried about Joe "blogging" them it is ridiculous. People who take what he calls writing and news seriously, are pathetic.

When public officials and those that run for office are so concerned with what is on a blog because of the way he goes after people's families and businesses, that is the definition of a victim of Cyber Bullying. The real people that suffer are the citizens and voters who are then limited in quality choices in elections. Voter intimidation becomes a common practice when regular citizens are afraid to display their support for a candidate.

Joe hides behind the first amendment as he abuses the privelege of having that right by attempting to destroy people's reputations and livelihoods because they express their opinions. Since Joe is not intelligent enough to have a civilized debate on issues, the extent of his mental capabilities are simply threatening to sue, lying, name calling, bullying, terrorizing, stalking and pretending to be a news man.

I can not honestly believe that so many politicians, law enforcement officials and business owners do not have the intestinal fortitude to tell him to shove it up his candy a*@. I certainly applaud all those that are not afraid to ignore him and do tell him to shove it.

Many of us who use special identities simply enjoy Joe wasting his time trying to figure out who is who. Second, Joe is such a big man and has such manly stones he always resorts to going after people's spouses and jobs when individuals express opinions he disagrees with or he is to mentally challenged to comprehend. So we feel it is our Constitutional Right to express our opinions but others close to us should not have their Constitutional Rights violated by Joe.

Joe's double standard policy is so ridiculous. He goes after people's families but his is off limits. He discourages people from frequenting businesses and attacks businesses on his blog, but his wife's place of employment is off limits. He mentions people's children and even takes pictures of children without their parent's permission but his grandson is off limits.

Here is the message Joe, if you can't take don't dish it out.

Here is another message brain boy ------ YOU HAVE JUST BEEN BLOGGED!!!!!!!!!!


  1. To tell you the truth. It is an embarrassment to be from Salisbury. People who are looking to relocate to Salisbury, send their children to college, or looking to open a business search the web for information about Salisbury and see the childish rants that come from Albero’s site.

    Albero is anything but good for Salisbury. He is making Salisbury a laughing stock and one the least desirable places to do business or live in. According to Joe, the city government is corrupt, the police are on the take, the fire department will do anything except save lives, and many of the local businesses are robbing from others. Why would anyone want to live in Salisbury if they get their news from SBYNEWS?

  2. There certainly needs to be an uprising against cyber bullies. Joe is off is rocker and needs to do something constructive and meaningful with his life. Claiming that Salisbury News is your lifes work is ridiculous.
