As we come upon a new wave of "Change" I have an open ended question and comments. I like the fact that the upcoming administration is promising a veil of transparency...Although I don't think we can count on this throughout his administration. This brings me to my point...
What is American Recovery and Reinvestment? This is his own words:
“We need an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan that not only creates jobs in the short-term but spurs economic growth and competitiveness in the long-term,” he says. “And this plan must be designed in a new way—we can’t just fall into the old Washington habit of throwing money at the problem. We must make strategic investments that will serve as a down payment on our long-term economic future. We must demand vigorous oversight and strict accountability for achieving results. And we must restore fiscal responsibility and make the tough choices so that as the economy recovers, the deficit starts to come down. That is how we will achieve the number one goal of my plan—which is to create three million new jobs, more than eighty percent of them in the private sector.”
In my opinion this is redistribution of wealth. (socialism) So why not just say that Barrack Hussein Obama? Is it because most of the working society does not want this? That you might actually make someone mad? You might drop some points in the approval poll? That you might actually have to raise taxes? Another thing you want to create three million new jobs more than eighty percent in the private sector...What does that mean? Let's break that down and give him the benefit of the doubt. Let's say eighty five percent are in the private sector that seems good but what about the other 15 percent? Doing the math that would be four hundred fifty thousand more government jobs. That would be the largest growth in government ever! Growing government has to mean higher taxes right? But you promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. So that means your gonna raise taxes an the upper class. That means that the people that already have a ton of tax responsibility are getting more piled onto them. Thats the America i want to live in, get an idea, start a buisness, make millions then pay millions to a failing government by way of taxes...Great! Just a couple of questions feel free to comment if you want theses are just my views. Remember that when the socialist's took over Germany it was accepted with open arms!
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2 years ago
I think you covered it reasonably well. And how, pray tell, is "strategic investment" not another way of "throwing money at the problem"?
ReplyDeleteHe can't possibly do any worse than Cheney, I mean Bush.