In an unprecedented move, The Gunpowder Chronicle bestows a group award for his 3rd Mr. Wu award.
Mr Wu Award #3: A Group Award for Many
In the great HBO series "Deadwood", the Chinese in the mining camp were lead by a Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu did was a, shall we say confidante, of entrepreneur (pimp, murderer, drug kingpin, etc.) Al Swearingen. But Mr. Wu did not speak much English. In fact, the only word that Mr. Wu really spoke was "cocksucker", which came out more as "cocksuckah".
It is therefore, with great pride that I inaugurate the Gunpowder Chronicle's brand new "Mr. Wu Award", recognizing from time to time, that individual (or organization) that displays the distinct traits of an ignominious cocksucker.
Our third Mr. Wu Award is also our first Group Award: to everyone who did a video interview with SbyNews' Joseph Albero, aka Jihad Joe Albero. Joe Albero is a convicted perjurer, a tax cheat, a convicted woman-beater, a mysogynist, a racist, a liar, and a hater. He is not even a resident of the State of Maryland, yet he proceeds to use his "shitblog" sbynews.blogspot.com to tell Marylander citizens how to live, work, and vote. He is a little bastard who deserves nothing but disrespect, dishonor, and disinterest. Yet, a long line of politicians and alleged "community leaders" from Bobby Ehrlich on down to John Phoebus decided to put on their sbynews kneepads and do video interviews with this walking colostomy bag.
Even after his stalking, hate-filled, personal attacks on Julie Brewington, in which he slandered and defamed her. Ehrlich's idiot advisers -- some of whom had actually encouraged Julie to run for the House of Delegates -- responded by saying "Well, we don't really read the blogs." Really? You all did interviews on a shitblog you didn't read first?
So, for all of you who did video interviews with Joe Albero, congratulations. You each are winners of Mr. Wu Award #3 for being ignominious cocksuckers. Some of you did such a fantastic job latching on his johnson that I am tempted to give you a "Linda Lovelace" award, too, but I don't want to defame Ms. Lovelace by linking her to you.
Here is the list of the award winners:
Bobby EhrlichAndy Harris
Brian Murphy
Carroll Overholt
Rick Pollitt
Bob Culver
Matt Holloway
Dave Goslee, Jr.
Stevie Prettyman
Gail Barkovitch
Joe Holloway
Sheree Sample-Hughes
Dave McLeod
A. Kaye Kenney
Mike McDermott
Norm Conway
Gee Williams
John Phoebus
Mike McCready
Addie Eckhart
Dustin Mills
Von Siggers
Michael James
Jim Mathias
Richard Colburn
Jim Rutledge