Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A very special Christmas Present for Mayor Ireton

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Memory lane.....
Monday, December 6, 2010
Jimmy's campaign bloviating revisited
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
And the Winner is......
Making Salisbury "The Safest City in Maryland" -- Just Not Yet
Here is one of Jimmy Boys videos from his campaign. All we got out this bloviating was nothing. He talked big and has delivered little.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Delmarva Dealings Website Update -An Auction anyone?

Friday, November 19, 2010
Delmarva Dealings still down
G.A. apparently has been on hard times since his life took a tumbling spin this past summer. Speeding tickets, caught twice driving on a suspended license from Bloxum, VA, the accident and then losing his bid for the Republican Central Committee. It certainly has been a tough year.
SAM I AM has considered starting a special fund for G.A., to first pay for his domain expiration, then get him a few new shirts that do not have bird shit on them and lastly maybe we can see if Wayne Gilchrest's old pickup truck is available to buy for G.A. Then again, maybe well just do the shirts, one less Jackass on the web and on the road.
This message has been approved by SAM I AM.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Andy Harris and Debbie Campbell - Two Peas in an Elitist Pod
Rookie Congressman Elect Andy Harris embarrassed himself by wanting to know why his Taxpayer Funded Health Insurance would not start on his day. Debbie Campbell, a Democrat who is a known Andy Harris supporter, whined about the prospect of having to partially pay out of pocket for hers and the possibility that she would lose it.
In the real world, which neither of these two live in, when someone is hired they generally are not eligible for 6 months to a year for Health Insurance. Also, the prescription piece of many of these plans have a one year waiting period.
Andy has quickly acclimated himself to Washington, DC and apparently fits right in with the elites such as Charlie Rangel. Debbie Campbell fits right in with the entitlement mentality of elected officials who believe themselves to be above everyone else.
Mayor Ireton threw a jab out at the Tea Party when commenting on this in a Daily Times article. Honestly, nobody really cares about Jim's position on this issue and it was a waste of space in the Daily Times.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Will Louise Smith run for re-election?
The current stalemate between Louise and Mayor Jim Ireton has gotten tiresome and has been very embarrassing for the city. Many people view her as just as much of the problem as Ireton.
It is likely Terry Cohen will run to keep her seat. She may find that she falls into the same category as Louise and with businesses not very happy with her, she may discover that she will come in dead last.
Those that are highly likely to run are Tim Spies and Muir Boda. In fact one local business already has one of Boda's signs in their window. Both are actively involved in many different causes and have been seen chumming around together.
Interesting names have popped up as possibly running such as Rick Insley, jr., P.J. Hannon, and a few others.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Disappointment and the Red Tide
Andy Harris was a horrible candidate for the Republican Party and people must have had to hold their noses from the stench when they voted for him. How can those people sleep at night after sending an egotistical idiot like that to Washington? They might as well have sent Albero to Congress.
At least Uncle Norm got through and is controlling the purse strings. Just give us our Highway User funds back so Pollitt can fix the damn roads and quit whining about the Revenue Cap.
Six Republicans on the Wicomico County Council resembled a nightmare the Wizard had this past summer, maybe it was vision. Worst of all Stevie Prettyman got re-elected, Tramp Stamp and all on the old hag. If the Wizard had realized that, he would have seen to it the Boat Building Pirate from Nanticoke had the funds to crush her. Maybe Gail Bartkovich will have a wild sex party celebration over Holidays after this big victory.
Even worse than Tramp Stamp Stevie (TSS from now on) getting re-elected is the Lower Shore Slime Ball slithering in to Annapolis, yes folks Mayor and Deputy Mike McDermott is your new Delegate for 38B. Congratulations you bunch of dumb ass idiots.
As far as the Governor's race, well the Wizard couldn't bring himself to vote for O'Malley or Ehrlich and did it 'pin the tail on the donkey' style voting and ended up going Green shouting "Run Ralph Run" (nostalgia from Nader presidential runs for you young folks).
Since the Wizard spent the election season working hard on Frank Kratovil's campaign, which is why he was not posting on the blogosphere, he will now spend his time calling out stupidity where he sees it. Look out Albero, G.A., Ireton, Harris, McDermott, TSS, Mathias, Colburn, Seth Mitchell, Joe Collins, Salisbury City Council (minus Comegys who is a great guy and benefactor of my contributions) and the rest of the idiots that think they know it all. Albero's wrath is nothing compared to the Wizard's....... you have been warned.
Down and Dirty in Pocochoke City
For whatever reason, the schizophrenic minds of the lower shore electorate did re-elect Norm Conway. Uncle Norm controls the purse strings of the state and voters did the right thing there.
Every time I think about McDirtbag I get the feeling that I need to wash my hands and then use hand sanitizer.
Voting for Gee Williams would have been the logical choice, however I am sure some kinfolk long gone voted in this election for the soon to be former Mayor of Pocochoke City.
This message has been approved by SAM I AM.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The decline of Albero and Salisbury News
G.A. Harrison's website Delmarva Dealings is gone. Apparently G.A. could not afford to pay his domain registration on Go Daddy, one of the most affordable around. This on the heels of losing the Wicomico County Central Committee race and the whole suspended driver's license out of Virginia fiasco, it has been a tough year for G.A.
The whole ugliness of the ridiculous attacks on the Brewingtons, the underlying racism on his blog and the horrible video interviews that garnered numerous awards from The Gunpowder Chronicle, shows that it is just time Salisbury News disappears.
At this point Albero serves little purpose but to stroke his own ego. There is nothing fresh or new that he can bring forth. He rehashes his greatest moments (in his own mind). Randomly attacks people he does not like when they cross his mind. Remind us of the people he brought down over the years. Well, don't forget the lines 'folks we are seeing a record number of hits and comments today' B.S.
It gets old after a while and when the permanent stench of cheap cigars lingers way too long, you know it is time to stay in Delaware where you belong.....
This message was approved by SAM I AM.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Ehrlich Campaign Under investigation for Robocall
Republican Bob Ehrlich's campaign is under investigation for an apparent robocall that told likely O'Malley voters there was no reason for them to vote since O'Malley had already won.
Here is the article link in USA Today
Democrats are not innocent either in the Maryland election as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent a mailing out in the First District that gave the appearance it came from Libertarian Richard Davis. Several of the mailings had no authority line. Two mailings that directly attacked Davis did have an authority line from the DCCC.
The DCCC also used targeted Robocalls to Republican voters. There is no evidence that Frank Kratovil's campaign had any involvement in this activity since this was done in several areas of the country where the DCCC attempted to prop up third party candidates.
Obviously the dirty tricks are done by party hacks who are paid well enough to take the hits for the candidates. They often claim the candidate had no knowledge and it was a low level decision. Many of these paid hack have no intention of running for office and are often willing to risk fines and jail for their beliefs.
The good thing now is the election is finally over.
This message has been approved by SAM I AM.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Is Jim Ireton a Fascist, a Socialist or just an idiot?
The approach and effect is quite in line with Fascist tactics.
Robert Paxton described fascism as: a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy, but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.
Jim's view is that renters equals crime. His goal is to cleanse the city of one class of people, hence it will eliminate the problem.
This heavy handed approach also falls in line with the thought that landlords are evil and have too much money. On that front he devised a piece of legislation that would financially crush the rental industry in this town.
What he does not take into account is the number of people this will displace. The other fact is that most of these people are minorities. Is this intentional or is it just blind stupidity?
SAM I AM is of the opinion that Ireton is a Fascist and will resort to forcefully putting people on the street to advance his agenda.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Great Gunpowder Chronicle Bestows a Third Mr. Wu Award

In an unprecedented move, The Gunpowder Chronicle bestows a group award for his 3rd Mr. Wu award.
Mr Wu Award #3: A Group Award for Many
In the great HBO series "Deadwood", the Chinese in the mining camp were lead by a Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu did was a, shall we say confidante, of entrepreneur (pimp, murderer, drug kingpin, etc.) Al Swearingen. But Mr. Wu did not speak much English. In fact, the only word that Mr. Wu really spoke was "cocksucker", which came out more as "cocksuckah".
It is therefore, with great pride that I inaugurate the Gunpowder Chronicle's brand new "Mr. Wu Award", recognizing from time to time, that individual (or organization) that displays the distinct traits of an ignominious cocksucker.
Our third Mr. Wu Award is also our first Group Award: to everyone who did a video interview with SbyNews' Joseph Albero, aka Jihad Joe Albero. Joe Albero is a convicted perjurer, a tax cheat, a convicted woman-beater, a mysogynist, a racist, a liar, and a hater. He is not even a resident of the State of Maryland, yet he proceeds to use his "shitblog" sbynews.blogspot.com to tell Marylander citizens how to live, work, and vote. He is a little bastard who deserves nothing but disrespect, dishonor, and disinterest. Yet, a long line of politicians and alleged "community leaders" from Bobby Ehrlich on down to John Phoebus decided to put on their sbynews kneepads and do video interviews with this walking colostomy bag.
Even after his stalking, hate-filled, personal attacks on Julie Brewington, in which he slandered and defamed her. Ehrlich's idiot advisers -- some of whom had actually encouraged Julie to run for the House of Delegates -- responded by saying "Well, we don't really read the blogs." Really? You all did interviews on a shitblog you didn't read first?
So, for all of you who did video interviews with Joe Albero, congratulations. You each are winners of Mr. Wu Award #3 for being ignominious cocksuckers. Some of you did such a fantastic job latching on his johnson that I am tempted to give you a "Linda Lovelace" award, too, but I don't want to defame Ms. Lovelace by linking her to you.
Here is the list of the award winners:
Bobby EhrlichAndy Harris
Brian Murphy
Carroll Overholt
Rick Pollitt
Bob Culver
Matt Holloway
Dave Goslee, Jr.
Stevie Prettyman
Gail Barkovitch
Joe Holloway
Sheree Sample-Hughes
Dave McLeod
A. Kaye Kenney
Mike McDermott
Norm Conway
Gee Williams
John Phoebus
Mike McCready
Addie Eckhart
Dustin Mills
Von Siggers
Michael James
Jim Mathias
Richard Colburn
Jim Rutledge
Delmarva Views Returns --- With a vengeance
Tanned rested and ready, Delmarva Views is now ready to go full steam and shove it in your face Albero and cronies , including the new ones Tracy Powell.
So step back and get ready as smack you with da truth.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
April/May 2010 Mr. Wu Award Winner: Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton
In an unprecedented moment in the history of the Mr. Wu Award (Delmarva Views Version) Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton wins back to back Mr. Wu Awards for April and May of 2010.
Jim's bumbling and stumbling as the Mayor of Salisbury is increasingly becoming an embarrassment to the City of Salisbury. His failure to appoint a fire chief and police chief is increasingly showing his inability to make a decision. His refusal to work with business owners to help improve the quality of living and to fight crime shows that he truly is a "Cocksuckah" and not just literally.
So Mayor Ireton, roll on down to West Main St., fire up some stogies with Albero and proudly enjoy your double winning of the Mr. Wu Award, you Cocksuckah!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Joe Albero Awarded the Mr. Wu "Cocksuckah of the Decade" Award
Delmar, DE: Sam I Am has decided to award Joe Albero the "Cocksuckah of the Decade" Award for his outstanding ability at being a Cock Sucker. Fittingly, as part of the requirement for winning the Mr. Wu Award, to be a "Joe Albero" was one of the many qualifications for winning the Mr. Wu Award, as set down by the great Tim Patterson at Gunpowderchronicle.com.
So without further ado, you Joe Albero, are named "Cocksuckah of the Decade" and we hope you will proudly wear the decorated dildo around your neck and suck proudly on it.
The Mr. Wu Award
We have several people in the coming weeks who most certainly deserve this award and they will be honored for their outstanding service to the community, the state, the nation and the world.
Mr. Wu Award #2: (Posthumous) Edward M. Kennedy (August 28,2009)
He’s been called the Lion of the Senate. Wrong. He is the Flounder of the Senate. He is a fat pig that did nothing more in his entire life than prove Dean Wormer (fromAnimal House) right in his declaration that “fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
If Joe Jr., Jack, and Bobby represented the cream of the Kennedy DNA, then Teddy (like the character Danny Devito played in Twins) represents the left-over detritus ofin vitro fertilization.
His passing is not tragic. For me, it is not even said. His demise raises the moral quotient of the planet by an order of magnitude. His Senate career – bought with his families money, his name, and the actual tragedies of his siblings – spanned my lifetime. We are lesser for that. He traded on the tragedies that surrounded them to feed his hunger for power and his thirst for position.
He was and remains an ignominious cocksuckah of the highest order, and for that, he is our second choice for the vaunted Mr. Wu Award.
Mr. Wu Award #1: O'Guvnah Martin O'Malley (August 13, 2009)
In the great HBO series "Deadwood", the Chinese in the mining camp were lead by a Mr. Wu. Mr. Wu did was a, shall we say confidante, of entrepreneur (pimp, murderer, drug kingpin, etc.) Al Swearingen. But Mr. Wu did not speak much English. In fact, the only word that Mr. Wu really spoke was "cocksucker", which came out more as "cocksuckah". You sir, are a COCKSUCKAH!
It is therefore, with great pride that I inaugurate the Gunpowder Chronicle's brand new "Mr. Wu Award", recognizing from time to time, that individual (or organization) that displays the distinct traits of an ignominious cocksucker.
Our inagural award winner of the "Mr. Wu Award" is the Governor of the State of Maryland, Martin O'Malley.
What has O'Guvnah done to be recognized as an ignominious cocksucker? Well, a lot actually. Tax increases. Fake furloughs. Massive spending increases. Breathing. But I want to highlight his little gamesmanship with the Maryland Association of Counties meeting in Ocean City.
You see, every year, all the elected county mongrels get together in Ocean City on the taxpayer's dime to get slobbered over by state employees, also visiting Ocean City in the height of the summer season on the taxpayer's dime. And of course, the Governor of the Great State of Maryland must throw a party.
When Bobby Ehrlich was in office, the Republican Party paid for the party. But when O'Cocksucker was elected, he decided to start using his money from the Governor's Office (taxpayer money) to pay for the party. This year, that party was being held at Seacrets, and was going to run a smooth $12,000. But then O'Cocksucker decided that such extravagance looked bad, given his complete and total inability to actually make a budget, and so he canceled it.
And now enters one of the biggest lobbying firms in Maryland -- Alexander Cleaver -- who decides to pick up the tab for the party.
Just what the fuck are these people thinking?
Having a huge player in the lobbying game pay for a party for elected officials and state employees seems like a good idea? Are you fucking nuts, O'Guvnah? Really, have you had your brain checked? Did Mrs. O'Guvnah hit you upside your head with a frying pan?
While Marylanders struggle with energy costs, while Maryland companies struggle with your overbearing tax increases, while Marylanders in general struggle to pay bills and clothe and feed their families, you are going to let a lobbying firm cough up a cool twelve grand so you all can party?
O'Guvnah, because you such a worthless fucking elitist who could find his own asshole with both hands, a flashlight, and a press aide... you are hereby granted our Inaugural "Mr. Wu Award".
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Do Not Patronize Salisbury Monument
There are other places to get monument and tombstones. Hell, I'd rather not have one if I had to buy it from him.
SJ you are disgrace to this city and like Albero, need to leave. We do not want you here.....
You Been Blogged!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Grinch's look at Famous Court Cases over the Past Ten Years
Friday, January 8, 2010
Sex Offender of the Week - James Ray Avery
James Ray Avery
DOB: 12/12/1967
Currently on Probabtion from his case in Dorchester County.
He is categorized as a "Child Sex Offender."
He was arrested for "Theft Under $1,000" on 11/13/2009 in Dorchester County. If convicted of this crime, he will get jail time, as it would be a violation of probation.
So a for being a pervert and alleged thief, congratulations Mr. Avery you have the distinct honor of winning our "Sex Offender of the Week" Award. You can pick up your Award at the Dorchester County Detention Center in Bubba's cell when you get convicted of Theft.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Crime: The Real Issue is Liberal Judges
First, we need to realize jail is not a country club and criminals should have minimal rights. You are there to serve a sentence, it should be such a miserable experience that you would never want to return. Who cares about about over crowding, stack the bunks to the moon, feed them bread, water, peas and work their asses off.
Second, the horrible government education our children receive coddles children too much. They have no respect for their educators. Schools are war zones and gang breeding grounds. We need more power in the hands of teachers and principles.
Third, Judges need to be elected not appointed. All judges. Let us decide who we deem worthy to be a judge not some corrupt politician who wishes to find a cushy job for a friend.
Ignorance is Bliss, The Story of Joe's Life
"Or being an ignorant ass is the story of Joe's life."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Delmarva Blog Awards
The Great Protector of Gun Rights Makes a Great Point
Monday, January 4, 2010
Gunpowder Always Aware of What is Going On
Check it out here.
This Post Not Approved by Joe Albero
Who does he think he is?
Joe complains about someone connected to a charity that has a criminal record. Yet Albero was affiliated with the Salvation Army and has quite the rap sheet himself. Perjurer and batterer, Joe has the audacity to point the finger at other people. Joe has 17 lines on Case Search as a defendant. What business or charitable organization would want to publicly associate with him?
He has a horrible reputation for tearing down the names and reputations of good people. The Eastern Shore of Maryland could certainly do better without him. We hope he departs our shores as quickly as possible.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Pervert Profile - James Wenzel
Primary Residence : | MADISON ST SALISBURY MD 21804 |
Address Change Date: | 10/22/2002 |
Temporary Residence : | NA |
Employment Address : | MERCER RD EDEN MD 21822 MT. HERMAN RD SALISBURY MD 21801 |
Category: | Offenders |
Information Contact: | SORU |
Date of Birth: | 05/03/1979 |
Current Registration Date: | 07/28/2009 |
Age: | 30 |
Status: | COMPLIANT |
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Pervert Profile - Lindsay Renee Allen
Child Sexual Offenders
Some of her Charges:
Offense Date From: 05/01/2004To: 06/07/2004
Child Abuse Molest Exploit
Contribute To Condition Of Child/Delinquent, Etc
Sex Offense Third Degree
Plea: | GuiltyPlea Date:12/10/2009 |
Disposition: | GuiltyDisposition Date:12/10/2009 |
Jail Term: | Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |
Offense Date From: 09/02/2003To: 10/31/2003
Child Abuse Molest Exploit
Plea: | GuiltyPlea Date:12/10/2009 |
Disposition: | GuiltyDisposition Date:12/10/2009 |
Jail Term: | Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |
Suspended Term: | Yrs:3Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |
UnSuspended Term: | Yrs:2Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |
Sex Offense Third Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2004To: 05/31/2004
Plea: | Guilty With Agreement, Statement Of FactsPlea Date:11/23/2004 |
Disposition: | GuiltyDisposition Date:11/23/2004 |
Jail Term: | Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |
Suspended Term: | Yrs:5Mos:0Days:0Hours:0 |